LEOTECH S.r.l./Ltd
LEOTECH is world's leader in dust and odour suppression systems and machines based on atomized jet technology.

T (+39) 0439 719273
Email: info@leotech.it
LEOTECH S.r.l./Ltd
Loc. lausen 13/A I- 38050 Canal San Bovo-TN-
The brand new RFW40 completes the ROTOFOG RFW range, i.e. the exclusive Leotech electric mobile machines, with low energy consumption and record-breaking silence. Suitable for both mobile construction sites, such as demolitions, and for the recycling sector and much more: RFW 40 is provided with Leotech’s Dual Power technology, which allows to operate the device
We are waiting for you at the MBI FRANCE stand n. 6B 101, where together with the famous MOTOFOG diesel models we will present our new ROTOFOG RFW 40 electric machine as a world premiere. We look forward to seeing you at the INTERMAT fair in Paris from 24 to 27 April 2024. Stay tuned!
Siamo presenti alla fiera Samoter 2023 assieme al nostro partner per l’Italia CGT Caterpillar, da mercoledì 3 maggio a domenica 7 maggio. All’interno dello stand CGT (Pad. 12 stand D3 – D4) potrete avere tutte le informazioni riguardo ai modelli LEOTECH, mentre nell’area esterna dedicata alle demo (Area E stand 1) potrete ammirare MOTOFOG MF40SD
Leotech is pleased to annouce the new commercial cooperation with thefrance company MBI FRANCE. MBI FRANCE, born in 1997 and based inLespinasse, near Tolosa, is leading range of high quality earthmovingbuckets, excavator attachments, demolition equipment and constructionsolutions and starting from January 2023 will be the LEOTECH dealer(consulting, sales and service) in France. We are really
At the end of very rewarding year, BAUMA 2022, held in Munich (Germany), kept its strong appeal, representing the most important international event for the costruction industry. BAUMA 2022 has been a complete success for LEOTECH.An amazing edition: companies and people from all over the world and a great interest in LEOTECH’s innovative solutions for
We are really excited to announce the arrival of the NEW Motofog MFX20. This small and highly manoeuvrable unit packs a punch with an array of features and mounting options including on excavator booms. It easily pops in the back of a small van and can be deployed in seconds to mains water or an
At Leotech we are following the path heading to zero emissions. Reducing the carbon emissions is a priority of our mission. This allows us to help our Customers reach their environmental sustainability targets.
Motofog is an autonomous unit, as it is powered by an engine, mainly a diesel one.
The diesel engines installed on Motofog can run on HVO fuels (EN 15940), which allow to reduce the carbon emissions.
MOTOFOG is officially available in Germany thanks to the new cooperation between Leotech and MBI Deutschland. An important partnership which will allow the German companies to use MOTOFOG for their demolition activities, relying on a top level partner as MBI for support, sales and servicing on the whole German territory. We are really proud of
LEOTECH S.r.l./Ltd
LEOTECH is world's leader in dust and odour suppression systems and machines based on atomized jet technology.
Copyright © 2025 Leotech S.r.l./Ltd - Trentino- Süd Tirol -Italy. All Rights Reserved.